Baby Nico, My Littlest Love



It’s the best way to describe my new little sweet pea.

I’m not sure how I got so lucky to have a second little guy who is so calm and relaxed, but I am certainly glad I did.  Everything about this kid, from pregnancy, to his birth, to his personality is easy.  Leo is such a laid back little guy too, but his labor was long and not without complications.  Nico, on the other hand, arrived in this world in only a few hours and his delivery was absolutely uneventful-which is everything we could have hoped for.  During our hospital stay with Leo, we had doctors and nurses in and out nonstop.  For the short time we were there with Nico, pretty much everyone left us alone, giving Alex, Nico and I a few days of peace and quiet as we got to know one another.  I savored every single second of our time there, examining every delicious inch of him and wondering who this little teeny blue eyed baby would become.  We named him after two men who have been influential over our lives, hoping little Nico will embody some of the same qualities they have.  I hope he is brave and loyal, like his great-grandfather, Dominic (or Dominico, as he is known in Italy).  I hope he is thoughtful and caring like his grandfather, Richard.  And I hope he is as smart and understanding as his own daddy and as spirited and silly as his big brother.  But most of all, I hope he is happy.

On the morning of our last day at the hospital, we watched the most stunning sunrise take place over the city–and I prayed that everyday of little Nico’s life would be just as beautiful.  Because having him in mine has made it just that.

They tried to rush us out of the hospital, but I insisted on taking a few photos before we left.  I was tired and felt huge and was ready to go, but I’m so glad I was able to capture a few precious moments of our first days together before bringing Nico home.  For anyone about to have a baby–I hope you do the same, even if it’s with an iPhone.  Time moves much too fast and having pictures of the first hours of life are priceless.


And then, we took our sweet little Nico home.

I hope I remember to tell both Leo and Nico about how proud their daddy was on the day they were born. How he races home from work to hold them.  How his smile is the biggest when he’s with them.

Leo’s first few days with his little brother looked a lot like the picture below: him wondering who this new person was that was taking away his time with his mommy and daddy.  But Leo quickly adjusted and has been taking it like a champ.  We knew the minute he tried to share a cracker with Nico that the two were already best friends (because Leo doesn’t share food with just anybody).  I can’t wait to see what mischief and fun these two have with one another and I’m so proud of my little guy for welcoming Nico into his world.


Kisses for baby Nico.

Sweet, sweet Nico, in just two short weeks, you’ve completely turned our world upside down for the best and fit right into our home and heart like you were always here.  I  love you so.


Baby Nico, My Littlest Love

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