Laura and Andy’s Buffalo Engagement

Hey guys!

Want to meet my very first Buffalo Bride?  I can’t tell you how excited I am to be breaking in to the Upstate NY wedding market because 1. Upstate NY breeds really good people, 2. I’m obsessed with finding beautiful spots to capture NY in all it’s glory and 3. It gives me more excuses to come home and eat chicken wings and garbage plates and visit family.  So when Laura booked me for her wedding at Becker Farms, I was thrilled since I’ve had a crush on that venue for years.  And I just adore Laura.  She is super detail oriented and has tons of special little touches just waiting to share with her wedding guests and I am excited to see how it all comes together!  Top all that off with the fact she is insanely gorgeous and she pretty much handed herself over to me on a silver platter.

Laura and I worked out a plan to schedule her engagement sessions during a time when I would already be in Buffalo.  We had every detail planned. The location, the pictures we wanted, the outfits, the beautiful golden sun that would be setting during the exact time we’d be shooting giving Laura a golden halo around her silky blond waves.  Everything. And, while the weather was gorgeous for the week leading up to her session, all seemed perfect in the world.  But what we didn’t account for was Little Miss Mother Nature and her mean old ‘tude.  That lady decided she was going to drop buckets of cold rain on our scheduled day.  Now overcast sky is really pretty light to shoot in, and even a little drizzle can create a romantic scene, heck,  I could even work with a regular old rainy day and dress it up with some see-through umbrellas I have lying in the back of my camera bag.  But when the rain is so thick and heavy that you can’t see two feet ahead of you, it’s probably best to reschedule, especially when your location of choice was a dark historic fort located on the Niagara River where the wind was causing the water to hit you from the side as the rain smacked you from above.  Not pretty.

No problem.  Time to reschedule, right?  The next weekend looked gorgeous weather wise and both Laura, her hubs, Andy, and I were cool making the trip back to Buffalo for the shoot.  We’d just recreate everything the following weekend, like it ain’t no thang.  Well…it would have been, except good old Fort Niagara decided to have a war reenactment that weekend and people from all over the country were coming in and pitching their little canvas tents around the property making it impossible to get the shots we wanted.  We went back and tried Plans B, C, and D, which I’ll save you lots of trouble and just tell you none of them worked out.  But Plan E  was the winner.  Thanks to my parents who did lots of babysitting while Laura and I did lots of google searching to find other venues, we finally happened upon the Buffalo History Museum and decided to capture the love there.  This whole experience was a classic case of everything-happening-for-a-reason.  The spot couldn’t have been more perfect.  The weather was a cool 70 degrees, the grounds were gorgeous, and we didn’t have to worry about cannons going off mid-session.   Laura and Andy absolutely killed it in their session.  And so did their little dogs Merlin and Sadie, too!

2015-06-09_0003.jpgSadie on the left and Merlin in the middle. Adorbs, right?
2015-06-09_0004.jpgHi pretty lady.  I’d like to steal your eyes, OK?

2015-06-09_0007.jpgQuick change into some hot little numbers and we were off to the museum.
2015-06-09_0021.jpg And now, a moment of silence for this En Vogue pose brought to you by Laura. (Never gonna get it, never gonna get it…) Work it, girlfriend.
2015-06-09_0029.jpgAndy was the cutest.  Such a stud and so willing to do whatever we wanted him to!
2015-06-09_0025.jpgLaura and Andy…we could have done without the headache of finding a new venue, but everything turned out perfectly! I hope you guys are always as willing to roll with the punches as you were this weekend and are able to watch the magic of your lives together unfold.  Thank you for being amazing!

Is it next summer yet?!?


Laura and Andy’s Buffalo Engagement

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