Cami-Babe’s Fun(fetti) First Birthday | Rochester, NY

I should be doing work. I’m sitting in Starbucks while my mother-in-law is watching Leo for a few hours and I have a whole stack of work staring me in the face. And the time I actually get to do work is extremely precious since my no-nap/no-sleep baby doesn’t give me a break. I should make a big dent in that pile today. But I can’t. I can’t do work today. All I can think about is Jon Snown and whether or not I’m ever going to see him again. I’ve been on Twitter, and blogs, and podcasts just listening to everyone overanalize last night’s season finale and I still sit and continue to search for more info! (Yes, I’m officially a geek and proud of it! Is there a Game of Thrones convention? I’d like to go. I want to wear braids in my hair and speak in Dothraki and take a picture on the Iron Throne.) How can I wait 40 weeks until season six starts? It’s just not fair! I need to know what happens to Jon Snow, Sansa, Dany!  Spoilers, please!

It’s a good thing I have a delicious little face to pull my own away from GoT websites…and one of my very favorite ones ever, my goddaughter Cameron. I can’t believe it’s been a year since she was born. Time has flown faster than Drogo can fly, but being able to be her auntie has made me the happiest. She is absolutely precious…a little peanut with a giggle that is contagious. She is obsessed with books and her daddy. She loves her mommy like no other and is my very favorite person to Facetime. I only wish I lived close enough to see that smile in person everyday.

For Cameron’s first birthday shoot, her mommy and daddy gave me complete control–thanks guys!–and I think these pictures came out perfectly mostly due to the happy faces that are in them AND the fact the shoot included cake. (Have I mentioned how much I love cake?) I’ve recently decided that first birthday shoots are my favorite, not only because they usually include some sort of sugary treat, but because it is so fun to see who my little sleepy newborn babies have become and how their little personalities develop. The little sleepy 6 pound baby that I photographed, what seems like not long ago, magically turns into a little human in a very fast year that can think and interact and love.  And really, what better way is there to celebrate something that amazing than with frosting and sprinkles?

Cami and Stephanie started by making a little Funfetti cake. Here’s how it went down:

Step 1: Find the two cutest bakers in the world
Step 2: Gather your ingredients and put them in a bowl
Step 3: Mix them all up real good
Step 4: Steal a few licks of the bowl (Typical Richie had to get in there and get some of the batter too…I think the sweet tooth thing must be genetic.)
Step 5: Sneak in a few family photos while the cake was baking.  Love you guys!
This girl. I looooove.


Step 6: Take lots of pictures with that cake before it’s devoured.
My favorite.
2015-06-15_0026.jpgWith a middle name like Ruby, the red leg warmers were a must.
I feel the same way when I get to eat cake…which I did because Cami decided not to actually smash the cake! Another reason why I love this girl. She saves some for her favorite Aunt 😉
Rich and Stephanie…watching the two of you be parents to this sweet little thing has been such a joy. You love her more than anything and it shows. Cami is one lucky little girl!
And sweet, sweet Cameron. I love you more than I could ever write in words. You are silly and sensative and such a love. Thank you for letting me your Aunt!
Love and lots of kisses.


Cami-Babe’s Fun(fetti) First Birthday | Rochester, NY

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