Stelle Babe is 6 Months Old! | Lynnfield Family Photographer

2015-10-29_0009.jpgHi hi hi!  Happy Wednesday!  It’s gorgeous outside, isn’t it?  That’s not a rhetorical question.  I’m actually asking because I have been so overwhelmed with work these past few weeks I’m not even sure if it’s day or night.  This fall has been my busiest season yet–which I feel super blessed for.  But of course, right about the time the work started piling up, Leo decided that naps are no longer the cool thing to do and has gone from napping 4 hours a day (which used to be my work time) to fighting me for a one hour nap. Apparently he is just as strong headed as me because neither one of us are giving in and I’m typing this as he is sitting, staring me down in the baby monitor, giving me the stink eye and waiting for me to come and get him.  Sit tight kid, I gotta get this blog post done!  Top that with the fact Leo’s babysitter (my wonderful mother-in-law) is taking a very well deserved vacation in Florida and I feel like I’m drowning in a great big ocean of work with no life jacket. Good thing I love my work, so I don’t mind be surrounded by it.  But Andy, if you are reading this, I hope that you are having the absolute best time on your trip…but come back soon!  We can’t survive without you!

And here is someone else who I know is missing my mother-in-law like crazy.  You may recognize my little niece, Stella, from her newborn session last April.  She came into our family cute as a button and someone manages to get cuter and cuter on the daily.  We absolutely love having her in our lives…her big gummy smile, her little giggle, and those chubby little cheeks that go on for days.  I am glad that I don’t remember a time when she wasn’t here, because life is so much better with her in it.  Stella is six months and is just starting to get really interactive with Leo.  Watching the beginning of their relationship blossom together makes my heart swell.  They watch one another and giggle when the other one giggles and it is the sweetest thing in the world.  In a few months I’m certain they’ll be running circles around us all and be the best of friends.

Here is my sweet little pea.  She wasn’t initially thrilled about her auntie holding a giant camera in her face right after a nap, but even her not amused face was too adorable not to share.

2015-10-29_0002.jpgDon’t worry…she’s just getting warmed up.
2015-10-29_0001.jpg 2015-10-29_0003.jpg 2015-10-29_0004.jpgHere she goes!!!  Smile, baby, smile!
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The perfect little JCrew family right here, don’t you agree?
2015-10-29_0008.jpg 2015-10-29_0010.jpg 2015-10-29_0012.jpg 2015-10-29_0011.jpgThe cheeks!
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Love you, love you, love you Miss Stella girl!


Stelle Babe is 6 Months Old! | Lynnfield Family Photographer

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