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I totally wish I was one of those people who could see a famous person on the street and act is if they weren’t completely enamored by them. As if their heart didn’t stop beating the second they made eye contact. As if they could act like the celebrity they encountered were just a normal […]



From the time I knew how to hold a pencil, until I was seven years old, the same thing was written at the top of my Christmas list every year. I desperately wanted a baby sister. I’m not exactly sure what the draw of not being the youngest was. Perhaps it was the intuition that […]

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Ok.  I lied. I didn’t travel to Austria for this photo shoot and this clearly isn’t the curtain-wearing, goat-puppeteering von Trapp family. But I would challenge any of you to find a more musical family than my cousin, his beautiful wife, and their two adorable children on this side of the Atlantic. Anyone that has […]



How in the world is there a one year old on my blog? I cannot believe it’s been an entire year since I met little Miss Sydney on the first day of her life. I swear, in the blink of an eye, she went ahead and got bigger, cuter, and sweeter, overnight. Love this little […]


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