New Year? Newborn! Baby Miles is Here!

I’ve never much been a fan of New Years. When I was little it was a sign that my nice long winter break was over and I soon would have to leave my grandparents and cousins who we’d spent the holiday season with and return home and eventually (yuck) back to school. When I got older it was the stress of making plans to do something amazing to celebrate and have the best night ever that would totally stress me out. So while my friends were all out drinking, dancing, and creating crazy stories to share the day after, I would avoid the situation altogether and convince my parents to stay one more day at my grandparents so I could spend the holiday celebrating on their couch in my pjs eating the M&M’s and chips and dip my grandfather would buy for us as a special treat and have a sip of whatever liquor he had hiding in his cabinet and be asleep promptly by 12:15. To me, NYE was the sign that another year would have come and gone and I’m way too nostalgic to be happy about that–no joke: New Years 1989 you would have found me crying my eyes out in sadness in front of my grandparent’s console TV that in a few short days, Ronald Reagan would no longer be president. Why, at the ripe old age of 7, that made me tear up when the ball dropped is beyond me, but I felt the same slight tinge of sadness this year as I watched 2014 close. The year was good to me, and although I am sure there’ll be so much fun in 2015, it was sad to say goodbye to the year little Leo was born and all the fun that came with that….(and no, I didn’t cry…not hard anyway.)

This year we celebrated back in Boston and when I woke up on New Years Day, I had that slight New Years rut feeling, but hopped in my car and headed out to a very special newborn shoot. Meaghan had contacted me to take pictures of her little baby boy who was born a few weeks prior and wanted to schedule the session while both sets of grandparents were in town. If I couldn’t be with my own parents and grandparents on the first day of this new year, I was so happy to spend my morning celebrating with little baby Miles and his. There’s really nothing like grandparents, no matter how new they are to the job, that doesn’t make me feel happy. Watching both Mark and Meghan’s parents watch their own babies care for new baby Miles was so sweet and made my New Year’s sappiness turn from sad to happy.

How special is this picture?  I think every newborn deserves a session with both grandparents.  Great gift, Meghan!


Mr. and Mrs. Blazey make amazing grandparents.


Doc = best dog ever (sorry, Sauce!)

I mean, how could you be anything but happy when you the first morning of your new year starts with this face?

The way Meghan’s mom is looking at her look at her baby?  Ughhh.  Tears. Both when I look back at these pictures and while I was taking them!  You officially become the creepy photographer when you cry during newborn shoots.  Can I blame it on the pregnancy hormones still?

I promised myself that I wouldn’t write this whole blog around the fact that Mark is a dad…but I can’t believe MARK IS A DAD!  I went to school with his big sister and I just remember Mark as Liz’s little blond haired brother who was so cute and adorable.  He still is those things but now he’s also a DAD!  It was so stinking cute to watch him with Miles.  It made me feel so proud, like a little piece of me had a hand in him become the awesome dad that he is (although I’m pretty certain that me hanging out at his lake house and riding on his boat in no way had any influence over him, I can still pretend to take credit, right?)

Sweet, sweet mama.

Teeny tiny toes!

And if my day wasn’t already amazing already, we got to end the session with some Buffalo Bills.  I love me some Buffalo!  Especially when I’m in Patriot country.  I think Miles is going to be a good luck charm next football season.  Super Bowl 2016?  I think so!

Meghan, Mark, and Miles, THANK YOU for getting me excited to start this brand new year.  I could think of no better way to kick off 2015.

I hope you are getting lots of sleep (ha!) and loving every second with your little man.  Thank you for letting me capture these sweet moments. Let’s get Leo and Miles together soon!


New Year? Newborn! Baby Miles is Here!

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