Clare, Owen, and Aiden do Harvard Square!

My friend, Melissa, is good. Reallllllllllllly good.

I was going to blog all about how awesome her husband, Pat, is because for the first time I finally got him in front of my camera.  I was going to tell you about how he was the only guy that was around when my BC friends and I all met and how he had to put up with all of us girls coming to his house and making ourselves feel right at home and taking over his television and filling it with chick flicks like, Dreamgirls, when I’m sure he would have preferred to be watching football.  I was planning to tell you about the time he drove Melissa and I from Boston to Canandaigua and let us ask him idiotic questions about American history that I’m sure any fifth grader could easily answer, and didn’t flinch (although he did give us the “seriously?” voice at least a dozen times.).  There are so many nice things I wanted to tell you about Pat, but then Melissa worked her magic and now I have to turn this blog around and tell you all about how wonderful SHE is, even though you’ve heard it a million times before. What did she do exactly?  Well, Melissa not only offered to watch Leo AND Sauce for an entire day so I could work, she called me up and forced me to pick a day and actually follow through because she knew I felt too bad to ever really take her up on her offer.  She took my two handfuls in addition to her three (plus her hound dog) for an ENTIRE day and still managed to make fettuccine alfredo for dinner and invite me to stay and eat.  I walked into her house after being gone for 8 hours to a kitchen dance party with Melissa in the center and all four kids (including Leo!) whipping and nea neaing.  How she can do all of this and stay sane is beyond me!

When we started planning her photo sessions this year, Melissa and I went back and forth about location, but thankfully ended up in Harvard Square.  Pat is an amazing chiropractor and his office is located right off of Brattle Street.  The vibrant Cambridge atmosphere just feels so “them” and I love the personality it gives to the pictures, in addition the the adorable little personalities of Clare, Owen and Aiden.  (And Melissa gets bonus points for letting me help pick what they were going to wear.)

Loving this session and these faces that feel like they are part of my own family!

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Because she really, really is…

Special shout out to Owen who was SO good during this session.
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Leo’s brother-from-another-mother, Aiden.

2015-11-14_0022.jpg 2015-11-14_0023.jpg 2015-11-14_0024.jpgYou guys are just the best.




Clare, Owen, and Aiden do Harvard Square!

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