Rosie Colosi, My Girl Friday | New York City

Wikipedia defines a “Girl Friday” as being your right-hand-man (and Wikipedia don’t lie!)…so with that definition, I’d have to say that MY Girl Friday would most definitely be my sister; always there to listen, always there to advise.  So when she said she needed some photos taken for her blog, I was more than happy to help!  (Although knowing my sister, she didn’t really need the photos and was just trying to motivate me to take more pictures…she’s sneaky like that…making me feel needed when really I’m the one who is needing.) I met up with her in her current hometown, NYC, and we literally spent the weekend snapping photos wherever we found a good spot.

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The top picture was taken when we were walking on the High Line. (If you haven’t already been, I definitely suggest going.)  The bright blue wall and neon yellow chair were just screaming for a photo shoot, and popping my hot pink scarf around Rosie’s shoulders gave the perfect trifecta of color, in my opinion anyway.

I’m also digging this hand shot for her publishing work.  We snuck around the New York Public Library to take this one.  How perfect is her typewriter key ring?

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Read more about Rosie’s blog at:  and see what else she’s been up to at: and

Rosie you are the greatest!!!  Let me know the next time you “need” photos taken again!

Rosie Colosi, My Girl Friday | New York City

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