Little Lady, Annalise | Charlestown Family Photographer

2015-11-17_0004Throwing it back today to the beginning of fall.  Remember the time of the season where it still felt like summer even though the calendar said October?  It feels like sooo long ago, especially on a chilly day like today.  Way back when, very patient friend, (who hasn’t killed me yet for not blogging pictures of her baby’s face) Becky, wanted pictures of her little girl, Annalise, and we knew we had to do them in the gorgeous garden that lays a foot away from her doorstep.  Annalise is one of Leo’s Charlestown baby buddies, but his mom and I met long before either were born…although initially I wasn’t sure if she loved me or hated me. You see, Becky is best friends with Liz, who happens to be one of my best friends.  And while our paths had crossed a few times, we hadn’t actually spent that much time with one another.  Secretly, my friends used to harass Liz and make her tell us who she liked better (insisting she pick us, of course).  So when Becky and I ended up in the same new mom group, I wasn’t sure if she also had a make believe fake fight over Liz’s attention going on in her group of friends and I was a little nervous we would end up fighting in honor of Liz’s friendship with our newborns in our arms.  Luckily, Becky is much more mature than me and we quickly bonded over our newborn babies, knowing Liz, and our love for the Buffalo Bills.  Have I mentioned Becky is also randomly from Buffalo?  Which pretty much makes her my favorite kind of Bostonian.

When our baby group first started, Leo was only 5 weeks, but Annalise was about 3 months, which in baby time feels like an eternity older.  Becky has been such an amazing resource to us all and helped us answer all the questions about what’s coming our way, like teething, giving solid food, and (blach) changing diapers after making that shift.  She’s basically been like a big sister and I feel like I can ask her anything and get an honest answer.  She has even babysat Leo for me during some of my Charlestown shoots when I’ve called her up in a last minute panic…which only a girl that lives 8 hours away from her family can really relate to.

So here is Little Miss Annalise.  I just love her face.

2015-11-17_0001.jpg 2015-11-17_0002.jpg 2015-11-17_0003.jpg 2015-11-17_0005.jpg 2015-11-17_0006.jpg 2015-11-17_0007.jpgMeet Annalise!  The Cabbage Patch Kid!
2015-11-17_0008.jpg 2015-11-17_0009.jpg 2015-11-17_0010.jpgMy beautiful friend and her baby girl.
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Maria (who you’ll meet soon) joined us at the end of the shoot.  I just love this shot of these two.  What secrets do you think they’re telling?

Leo’s crying because he feels overworked and underpaid.

2015-11-17_0016Annalise, I absolutely adore your sweet and spunky personality!  Thank you for being adorable you!  And Becky…I’ll see you at the pool with a margarita in each hand.  Probably sooner than either of us would like!


Little Lady, Annalise | Charlestown Family Photographer

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