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This post is going up late.  Much later than I had anticipated.  Do you want to know why?  It’s because I’m a dingbat and decided it would be a good time filler to have my kids help me pack for them.  Have you ever tried packing with a 2.5 and 4 year old?  It’s an […]



Well, we’re on day 5, people.  If you aren’t following, my husband took a semi-last minute trip to China and won’t be back until next weekend and I’m home with the two kiddos on a very long and extended no school weekend, with pretty much no plans.  It’s gone pretty well up until today–thanks to […]

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What a weekend! I totally forgot about daylight savings, but my kiddos didn’t! They were up bright and early and standing over my bed at 5:45 Sunday morning. Which I guess was really 6:45 but when you went to sleep at 1am, it feels early. REALLLLLL early. But it’s OK because I’ve got a ton […]



It makes me so happy to share this wedding. SO HAPPY.  Because I’ve known Susannah for years now and to see her happy, and watch how happy she makes Eric, is simply thrilling. These two are in love and you can tell by their reactions during first look, the ceremony, and the entire day that […]


memories that will last a lifetime?

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