Summer Loves

I’m deeply depressed. Summer vacation is over and so is my summer love affair with Friday Night Lights. I know that I’m about 7 years behind on getting involved with this show, but after the 8,746th person told Alex and I that it would be a show we’d both love, we decided to start watching in June and quickly fell head over heals in love with Panthers Football. I’m not proud to admit, but we became TV junkies watching one episode after another after another to the point where I may have (very willingly) developed a slight southern drawl. Inadvertently, we also started incorporating Friday Night Lights language into our regular vocabulary. Expressions such as “Come here, I’m going to hug your neck” (Saracen’s Grandmother, Season 4) and “It’s not lost on me…” (Eric Taylor, Season 3) continue to frequent our condo. And most pathetic of all, late at night when I couldn’t sleep, I found myself Googling the following things:

  1. Real estate in Dillon, TX (don’t bother, it doesn’t exist)
  2. How to get Tami Taylor hair (which I’ve deemed totally impossible) and most importantly…
  3. Tim Riggins, Tim Riggins, and more Tim Riggins

What am I going to do without you Friday Night Lights? I’m having a seriously difficult time figuring out how I’m supposed to function without a good 4 hours of you each night. I suppose I could start on all the things I’ve neglected, like cleaning my house, feeding my dog, or eating, but none of those sound nearly as good as following high school teen romances.


And speaking of over, you know what else has come to a screeching halt? GRAPE PIE season! I already told you how much I love Monica’s here, but I couldn’t let a summer go by without showing you Monica’s pretty packaging and an actual whole pie (yes, I resisted long enough to take one photo).

Here she is, 2 lbs of pure deliciousness.

My little sidekick who would have lost a paw had he even attempted to get a slice of my pie.

And because I love her so much, I also decided to let my cousin, Christen, have a sliver so I could promote her grape pie obsession as well. She fell in love almost as much as I did with Tim Riggins.

Goodbye summer! Goodbye Grape Pie! And saddest of all, goodbye Friday Night Lights and, yup, goodbye my one true love, Tim Riggins.

Clear eyes, full hearts…


Summer Loves

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