Annalise’s Little Sis, Emerson! | Boston Family Photographer

If you’re keeping up with my Instagram (and you totally should) you know that we had an epic weekend in Vermont with 5 families, which means 10 adults and 9 kids 2 and under all sleeping under one roof.  It was hectic and chaotic and wild and soooooo much fun and I would absolutely love to live on a giant commune with my 4 other mama-friends (and the rest of you Charlestown Mamas who stayed back!) and collectively raise our children and make family style dinners and leave our husbands to go enjoy some apres ski post-bedtime (does that still count as apres?) and dance our little behinds off like we were 21 and didn’t have to wake up to feed a baby an hour after we got home.  That’d be the life.

Leo’s soul sister, Annalise, was one of the five toddlers who came with us.  I swear, these two are cut from the same cloth; maybe because their mamas are both from Western NY, or because their daddy’s are super similar themselves, or because they are just plain adorable and awesome.  And maybe it’s why I feel a special little closeness to Annalise myself  and plan on stealing her to take her shopping and get her nails done and all the girly things I know I’ll miss about having only boys…and a piece of me thinks Annalise knows it’s going to happen, too.  She gives me these little looks like she’s sending me a special “you’re my adult-BFF” message as I give her the “right back at ya, babe” looks.  (Wait, I should take that back…I won’t miss all this girlie stuff because I have a feeling by the way he wants to help me blow dry my hair and put on my makeup, Leo might be the third wheel to Annalise and my playdates.)

Back in the fall, I went over to Annalise’s and took some pictures of her new little sister, Emerson, who so far, is just like Nico: chill and easy (not that second children have a choice in that matter because their toddler siblings take up so. much. energy.)  She is the cutest sweet pea and I wish I got more time to cuddle with her because she is growing way too fast!

Emerson’s face when I told her I was going to let Annalise hold her.  Can ya blame her?
If this doesn’t completely sum up life with two under two, I don’t know what does…

Welcome to the crazy crew, little Emerson!

Annalise’s Little Sis, Emerson! | Boston Family Photographer

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