My Neighbor, Baby Jack! | Boston Family Photographer

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You guysssss,
I’m dyyyyyyyyyyying and you are going to too when you see this kid. Little Jack is way too much. He’s what people would refer to as a “trick baby”, so extremely good that you think you can have ten more after him until you realize that there is just something super special about the one who you hold to this unrealistic standard, because it’s impossible to have a baby THIS good. Little Jack has the cutest grin in all the land—with the one little tooth popping up in his gummy grin, and he showed it off to me the entire night. In honesty, we were done with this shoot in about ten minutes and I basically just killed time for another half hour so Jenna and Tom wouldn’t think I was a crap photographer for ending early. My easiest session to date.

It was so much fun to hang with this family, who we figured out only live a few doors down. Although I do think we may lose them to the ‘burbs someday, I’m hoping they find Charlestown to be the most magical place ever and the perfect spot to raise little Jack that they decide to never leave. Don’t you think they look like Townie lifers in these photos?
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bostonfamilyphotographer (29 of 30).jpgYou’re welcome, everyone, for making your night by sharing the cutest face, EVER. Jenna and Tom, so great to meet you guys!!! See on the street soon!

My Neighbor, Baby Jack! | Boston Family Photographer

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