My Main Man

When I was in 5th grade, my mom decided to take my sister and I to Italy with my grandparents to visit family. We traveled for three weeks from Lake Como to Sicily kissing cousin, after cousin, after cousin. During our Italian tour, my grandfather herded the four of us ladies around: making sure we got to the train stations on time, shoving us all into the tiny little Fiat we borrowed and trying to drive standard down the narrow and confusing little cobblestone streets, carrying ALL of our luggage (and this was prior to those fancy rolling suitcases that are out now). He nearly broke his back getting us from one place to the next, never complaining for a second. When I was 10, I took all of this for granted (except for the gelato he’d sneak me after dinner), but as an adult who can barely take care of herself, let alone four other people, I’m in awe of how he managed it all.

If you know my grandfather, I’m positive that none of this surprises you. From one meeting, it’s clear that he has a heart bigger than the average human and more energy, too!

Last week, my grandfather celebrated his 92nd birthday, but I swear, has not slowed down since that trip we took 20 some years ago. He continues to paint ceilings, plant in his garden out back behind his house, and make his own sausage. He also continues to lift our families spirits as he sits at the head of our table on Sunday dinners, telling his Sicilian stories, half in English and half in Italian, through his giant belly laughs. I thank God for every single second I get to spend with him.

I realize that it is not normal for two people to spend an hour of their first date talking about their grandparents, but that is what Alex and I did, and after meeting him, he put it best when he said my Nonno was “the raddest man alive”.


I love you, Nonno!  Happy Birthday!


My Main Man

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