The Best is Yet to Come…

This year’s Monica’s anniversary picture is coming at ya’ a little late. Why, you wonder? Basically because my husband’s work has hijacked my social calendar and scheduled all of his out-of-town business work on special occasions, including this year’s anniversary. If you’re like Alex, you probably think I’m just exaggerating and will  think the little nickname he came up with for me, “Drama”, is hilarious…but let me give you some facts so you can decide exactly who is the unreasonable one here.

  • Three days before our wedding and two days after? It was imperative that he travel internationally for week long trips.
  • April vacation with a special belated-honeymoon planned? Extremely urgent business meetings in California that are impossible to reschedule.
  • Every birthday for the past three years? Standing out-of-town dinner meeting that cannot be missed.
  • And of course, the latest, our anniversary? A week long stay at a dude ranch in Arizona that was critical that he be there for.

As he is reading this, I am certain that Alex is shaking his head at little Drama over here, but as his eyes are zipping across the lines of this blog, guess where he is at this very moment? Right back in Arizona for second week long dude ranch trip. (I’m still confused as to how playing daily rounds of golf and participating in chili-cook-off-contests has any relation to his work, but maybe I’ll be able to make mores sense of it while I’m on a little girls vacation this summer with my sister and cousin that I’ve spent my alone time planning!)

So that is the reason why our anniversary picture is so belated. I know the fact that this year’s picture is posted late has caused you major anxiety and heart palpitations, so I hope you can forgive me much more than I forgive my husband’s work for leaving me all by my lonesome for every single special occasion. (See, I’m not dramatic at all!)

As you can see, Monica’s got a little make over this year. And I’m pretty sure Alex thought that meant our tradition was over. Lucky for him, in a very non-dramatic fashion, I just rolled with it when we turned the corner and saw the updated facade. I didn’t even stamp my feet, shed a tear, or pretend like the world was ending. Nope. Not that much at all.

And past anniversaries…


2011 (Photo Credit: Ayres Photography)

2010 (Photo Credit: Rachel Kate Photography…THE BEST!)

Happy anniversary, Al!  Hope to celebrate WITH you next year!  Muah!



The Best is Yet to Come…

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